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     Earth3D is a program that visualizes the earth in realtime in a 3D view. It uses data from NASA, USGS, the CIA and the city of Osnabrück. I would like to thank these organisations to allow me to use their data! The program is available as binary for Linux, MacOS X and Windows under the GPL license. The program's features are
  • viewing the earth as a whole
  • zooming in until countries, cities and even single houses become visible (in areas where the necessary map resolution is available)
  • embedding external data like current earthquake positions or cloud data

My name is Dominique Andre Gunia.

This package is a result from my work and my diploma thesis in computer science at the Institute of ComputerGraphics at Braunschweig University of Technology.

The support of this work by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under grant FE 431/4-5 and by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMBF) under grant 01 IRA 02G is gratefully acknowledged.

The program is hostet at Sourceforge. The main data server for the earth data is at the Institute of ComputerGraphics.

To give a review of the program I will provide some images and videos here:

Blue Marble / MODIS images (1km/pixel, 250m/pixel)

Nil Delta
Earth with clouds
Nile delta using MODIS map data
with a resolution of 250m/pixel.
Near-realtime cloud layer
(used from the xplanet project)
With navigation earth view
View with country markers
A small view of the earth for better orientation.
Load marks to see the name of each country.

NASA Blue Marble Next Generation
Linux screenshot with country flags.
NASA Blue Marble Maps (500m/pixel),
one map for every month of 2004
(this is July).

New Landsat 7 images (100m/pixel)

Berlin, Germany Europe
Berlin, Germany
Europe, Landsat 7 data
North America San Francisco, USA
North America
San Francisco, USA
Tokyo, Japan Volcano Etna, Italy
Tokyo, Japan
Volcano Etna, Italy


using this program under linux
Click on the image (or this mirror) to download a short movie (4,7 MB) as DivX AVI that shows the program in action. If you do not have the video codec download it from Click on this image (or this mirror) to download a 3.5 MB DivX AVI movie that shows a zoom from a view of europe down to the city of Osnabrück.
